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COSMIC - Contribution of Social Media in Crisis Management

COSMIC - Contribution of Social Media in Crisis Management

Recent years have marked a watershed in the use of new communication media during crisis situations and disasters. Citizen journalism has proliferated around the world, where news, events and oddities are recorded by ordinary people and shared globally through mediums such as YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and other outlets.

COSMIC project will identify the most effective ways in which these new technologies and applications are being used by citizens and governments. The project will also provide instruments for all relevant stakeholders to use new information and communication technologies for the benefit of the security of all citizens.

The aims and objectives of the COSMIC project include the following:

  • To explore new and emerging communication technologies and applications and provide insight into the most effective ways to utilize this media to promote the safety and security of citizens in crisis situations.
  • To assist better communication and better information gathering for authorities and first responders.
  • To examine the potential roles and ethics for citizen participation in emergency response.
  • To produce guidelines that will assist authorities and first responders in deploying new and emerging communication technologies and applications to better protect citizens in crisis situations.

In addition to the project coordinator - European Dynamics, the COSMIC consortium is represented by Trilateral Research & Consulting (UK), Safety region South Holland South and Crisislab - Radboud University Nijmegen (NL), Koç University (TR), Hellenic Rescue Team (GR) and Public Safety Communication Europe (BE).


Partner List:

no. Participant organisation name Country
1 European Dynamics Greece
2 Trilateral Research & Consulting United KIngdom
3 Radboud University Nijmegen (Crisislab) The Netherlands
4 Koç University Turkey
5 Hellenic Rescue Team Greece
6 Public Safety Communication Europe Belgium
7 Safety Region South Holland South The Netherlands
COSMIC - Contribution of Social Media in Crisis Management

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Hellenic Rescue Team is a non-governmental organization, whose members participate in Search and Rescue missions on a voluntary basis since 1994.

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Kifisias 13 - P.C. 54248 Thessaloniki

Operations Centre (24 hours):
+30 2310 310649